Here will be some highlights for me:
I get to hang out with my FableVision friends! I have spent a great deal of time on the phone with my FableVision friends and I will get to be in the same room with them!! I get to meet Nicole, Paulette, Ryan, and hang out with Julia and Bill.... Lucky me!
On Sunday, I will be at the Constructivist Consortium. What a fun day and one that represents every teacher's dream...Great ideas and time to check them out! Perfect! Add a bunch of great friends, you have a dream day. Lucky me!
On Monday, I will make a guest appearance in the session of my dear friend, Dr. Peggy Healy Stearns. Glen Bull will also make an appearance
Get Real! Personal Connections Make Learning Motivating, Meaningful, and Memorable
Add to Planner[Formal Session: Lecture]
Peggy Healy Stearns, Independent
Monday, 6/29/2009, 12:30pm–1:30pm WWCC 145 B
Explore cross-curricular projects that link learning to students’ past and present while promoting the skills of the future.
Probably one of the best stories from the last few years, which I have told many times, is that I got to know FableVision through a great piece of software called, "Stationery Studio," I never dreamed at that time I would know the person whose name appears on the front cover. In D.C. I will be making my second appearance as a guest in Dr. Peggy's session and the third year I have been able to spend time with her... I also have been on the early preview team of some of the new Stationery Studio add-ins. But, best of all, I am so fortunate to call Peggy a friend. With the exception of my wife, Peggy might very well be my biggest cheerleader. . . Lucky lucky me.
Through out the time I am in DC, I will be meeting with FableVision Ambassadors....SUPER amazing educators who inspire me daily!!! You can't imagine the joy I get hearing stories from around the country about people who are impacting kids and education and moving the world to a MUCH better place. Very soon, you will see exactly what I am talking about.... Details soon! Inspired and Lucky and I.
Another great experience for me will be spending more time with the amazing and inspirational, Peter H. Reynolds and his twin brother Paul. Both men are a wonder to me. So giving and kind...So supportive... So on a two hundred year journey to help all kids reach their true potential....And, I also believe, helping a music teacher from Iowa reach his true potential. Double lucky.
Best of all after the long days of standing and talking and being moved and inspired...I get to hang out with my lovely wife...Who is also an amazing person.