Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Edublog 2012 Nominations

Here are my nominations for Edublog Awards 2012

Group Blog:
  John and Shannon are the model of collaboration. Although their blogging isn't a regular thing (daily) thing, the posts are always informative.

Class Blog:
  Mr. Chamberlain and his class are awesome examples of what classrooms should look like. They regularly share what is going on in their class and it is always awesome.

Teacher Blog:
  Brave, smart, and so very talented, Paul Bogush is a teacher with a huge heart and allows us all to have a peak inside his head and heart. I frequently read his blog and nod along. Things I have thought and felt are shared there and the message always makes me think (and frequently thing a different way). 

Library/Librarian Blog:
  I am pretty sure that Mr. Schu never sleeps! His blog is a treasure trove about books and he has introduced me to many of my current favorite books and authors (Like "The One and Only Ivan" @kaaauthor, "Boy + Bot" @amedyckman and "Wonder" @rjpalacio) Sharing books is one of the most amazing things people can do for each other and Mr. Schu is a great champion for books and reading.

Influential Post: 
  I greatly admire Vicki Davis because she is a teacher and she is not afraid to say the things that need to be said (see Lifetime Achievement below). This post absolutely hit me at exactly the right time and I think it is an amazing example of what blogs can be.

Individual Tweeter: @wmchamberlain and @dmcordell
  William is one person I can always count on to answer a tweet. He is a great connector of people and a classroom teacher who shows us a glimpse inside of what classrooms COULD be like. I also admire him because he sometimes pushes back on the things I tweet (always respectful), especially if I am having a very bad day...he reminds me why I do what I do.

(Wait, I can have two, right??)

I call Diane "The Great One" of Twitter because she is so willing to help people. This past summer, I required my class of future teachers to be on Twitter. MANY of my students reported back how Diane had answered every question they had and had helped them to help students. I seriously love this woman, she is a great friend to have.

Twitter Hashtag: #thewonderofwonder & #choosekind
  If you follow my tweets, you have seen that I love the book "Wonder" by @rjpalacio. The reason I love this hashtag is because the book has spawned an entire movement of people who #Choosekind. Classrooms around the world are reading the book, and making changes in their school.

Lifetime Achievement: 
Vicki Davis
  Flat Classroom . . . Blogger . . . Wiki-Expert . . . CLASSROOM TEACHER. You will notice a trend in my responses, I love people who are in classrooms (and libraries) who take time from their overly busy schedules to make the world a better place. Vicki is an outstanding example of that. She speaks from her vast experience, and also from her heart. Education is not just a way for her to make money or make herself known, but her passion. I deeply admire and respect everything Vicki has done...and although I think everyone I know is too young for "life-time" achievement, Vicki has the breadth of work that makes up for her lack of chronological years.