Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hope One Mile Ahead

I have always been propelled by hope. But I never relied as much on hope as I have this year.

This sign is on the way to Minneapolis on Interstate 35. What a great thought..."Hope One Mile Ahead." So, if you lose your way on the journey...if things didn't seem to turn out how you wanted them to...if all seems lost... Hope comes in and saves the day.

So where do you find hope? That's the thing, it's is everywhere.

The laughter of a child.....the promise that in the darkest time, you will laugh again. There is something about being around children and listening to their gleeful laugh. I spent Friday night with me great nephew....I left filled with hope.

The random email from a friend.....brings back a memory a smile and something to hold on to.

The smile from someone who loves know you are not on the journey alone, even if it feels like it.

A book, blog, video, tv show.... yep, hope can be found in the strangest places....if you look for it.

The sweet note or text message from a new friend.

Inside you.....even when you can't feel it or see it, lurking in you is a strong hope. A guiding light. Hope is one mile ahead...if not closer!

And if you have abundant hope, pass it around! Share something you have seen or read that inspired you. Take care of your friends or even a stranger. Share what you have learned and share hope!

"Together, we will journey beyond the darkness. The star of hope will guide the way."
Gerda Weissmann Klein. The quote appears on one of the last scenes in the video of "Wings of Epoh"
If you haven't read "Wings of Epoh," I guarantee you will love it. I have spoken of it a lot on this blog...I framed the story before on this blog with its true intention, it's about a boy who is autism. But, this week, it was about me and it was about hope. You will understand when you watch it or read it. "Epoh" is hope spelled backwards!

You can buy the book and video from my friends at FableVision. Use AMBSHAY for 10 % off..... and while you are there, maybe you want to pick up "The North Star" "The Dot" and "Ish".... Make it an inspirational school year!

Might as well make a disclaimer here for skeptical people. I don't work for FableVision.....I just love what they do and the people they are.

1 comment:

loonyhiker said...

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